
MovieBot2000 is joke.

It's also a personal product challenge.

But mostly a joke.

MovieBot2000 started as a personal challenge - using commercially available AI tools, build a product in a month in my free time. Basically, NaNoWriMo for products.

The crux of the product started, like so many, with stupid barroom conversations, “What if Laurience Olivier stared in John Wick?” and spiraled from there.

The real movies are taken from promotional material from streaming services. The AI-generated movies were created using a custom python script and GPT3.5.

The website is Django, Postgres, and Bootstrap.

Additionally, I used Github Copilot, ChatGPT, and Dall-2 to round out the site assets.

About Me

I'm Bradley, a Product Manager and machine learning practitioner. I have a pretty simple philosophy: technology should make our lives easier.

Start to finish, this project took about 40 hours of free time and cost me $32.